Amazon Affiliate Program Review: Good or Bad?
In this Amazon Affiliate program review we are going to look if it is a good idea or bad idea. We discuss pros, cons, and if it’s best for you.
Are you brand new to affiliate marketing?
Amazon Associates is very popular and used by many affiliates, even newbies.
Regardless of your level of experience, you have probably heard that amazon may help your online business earn more money!
Let’s get started!

What Is Amazon Associates?
Amazon Associates and Amazon affiliate program is the something. In this review both terms will be used.
It is a platform where you can earn commissions for referring people to amazon and
their products through your website or social media platform.
Who Can Join?
Amazon operates world wide, so anyone can join regardless of where they live.
Many affiliate marketers have earned their first commission online through amazon.
Usually new affiliates have a hard time with getting approved into affiliate networks.
The reason why it is so hard to get approved is because
they have a new website that doesn’t get much traffic yet.
With amazon affiliate program you don’t need a whole lot of traffic to get approved.
As long as your site is within the terms of service with Amazon, you will quickly get approved.
Once you’re in, all you need to do is make a sale every 90 days and you will stay eligible.
Regardless of your experience with online marketing you can increase your odds of success
by following this proven method, click below.

The application process is very straightforward and simple to complete.
Approval is granted within 24 hours of the application.
How Much Can You Earn With Amazon Associates?
Every category within amazon gives out a different percentage rate with commissions.
For example if you picked video games or consoles as your niche. This will only earn you 2% commissions on items in this category.
On the other hand, many categories pay as much as 10% commission.
Also, how much you earn can be determined by the amount of products you have available on your website.
- Amazon gift cards 0.00%
- video games & video game consoles 1.00%
- Televisions, digital video games 2.00%
- PC, PC Components, DVD & Blu-Ray 2.50%
- Amazon fire tablet devices, Dash Buttons, Amazon Kindle Devices 4%
- Physical books, health & personal care, sports, kitchen, automotive, baby products 4.50%
- Digital Music, Grocery, physical music, handmade digital videos 5%
- Outdoors, tools 5.50%
- Headphones, Beauty, musical Instruments, business & industrial supplies 6%
- Apparel Amazon Element Smart TV (with fire TV), Amazon fire tv Devices, Jewelry, Luggage, Shoes 7%
- Handbags and Accessories, Watches, Amazon Echo Devices 7%
- Furniture, Home, Home improvement, Lawn and Garden, Pet products, Pantry 8%
- Amazon Fashion women, Men and Kids Private Label, Luxury Beauty, Amazon Coins 10%
- All other Categories 4%
Click here to see commission rates with Amazon (direct link).

Beauty has commission rate of 6%. This is really good place to start if you are new to online marketing.
Also, can choose
- Apparel Amazon Element Smart TV (with fire TV), Amazon fire tv Devices, Jewelry, Luggage, Shoes 7%
- Handbags and Accessories, Watches, Amazon Echo Devices 7%
- Furniture, Home, Home improvement, Lawn and Garden, Pet products, Pantry 8%
Basically, to help you get started I would choose items that have a high commission rate.
For example, electronic devices (Cameras, computers, cell phones).
Another good idea is to do your research first on the niche you want to choose. Then start on ways to build an audience and get traffic.
Pro/Cons of Amazon Affiliate Program
- Easy to sign up–Even if you don’t get a whole lot of traffic to your website
- Trustworthy Platform–Amazon has many trusted brands and many people purchase from amazon
- Unlimited Niches available– No matter what niche you choose, the product is there.
- You can sell amazon branded products and services–Meaning you can earn money for signing people up to their services like amazon prime, Kindle Unlimited, Twitch Prime, and more.
- It’s free to join
- Tons of products to promote
- Many tools to help you sell
- Reporting system so you see your clicks and what’s selling
- Can receive direct deposit payments into your bank account
- Good customer services to its buyers, less risk for you

- Low commission structure (5% rate for most), but highly successful for many people long term. (**Need to apply the work)
- (Good News- many people buy more than one item at a time).
- 24 hour cookie–When someone clicks your link, you only have 24 hour window to earn the commission.
- However, the link does refresh so you can still make the sale the next day.
- If the product is added to the person’s cart, the cookie lasts 90 days
- Can’t email amazon affiliate links (hint make website for traffic)
If you have a U.S. site and are promoting products in the Amazon U.S. store,
you won’t get credit for referring someone who ends up buying outside of the country (amazon UK).
Payment options are only through direct deposit, check, amazon gift card. No Paypal option
In summary, the amazon affiliate program is a good place to start if you are a beginner.
No matter the niche you choose it can be profitable, you just need to apply the work.
Building a website and using different traffic sources such as youtube and
facebook can help your business long term.
Having your own website puts you ahead of the crowd because you are seen as authority figure in that niche.
Also, building a website with content gets you target traffic on google for free. Long term this what you want.
Check out my #1 recommendation below. The sign up is free and you get two free websites upon sign up.