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Is Wealthy Affiliate A Pyramid Scheme?

Is Wealthy Affiliate A Pyramid Scheme?

Wealthy Affiliate is not a pyramid scheme. It is a free to sign up and

you can even promote the company without being a paid member.

Let me explain about the company and why it is not a pyramid scheme.

It is not a multi-level marketing scheme,

because the company does not force you to buy products that you don’t need.

Also, there is no upgrade fee once you are a premium member. The price remains the same and

there is plenty of training available.

The company simply has a training platform to learn online marketing and yes, you can earn an

affiliate commission through referrals.

Wealthy Affiliate too Cheap for Pyramid Scheme

Like I mentioned before, you don’t have to be a paid member to promote.

However, the free membership doesn’t earn you as much commission as a premium member.

As a premium member, your affiliate commission is doubled to 42%-49%,

the exact percent depends on your buyer’s chosen payment plan.

The commissions are $8 for the first month from $19 special offer, then 23.50 thereafter.

Starter members earn $4 for special offer referrals, then $11.75 monthly and $87.50 yearly commissions.

What is A Pyramid Scheme?

A pyramid scheme has a fixed income based on how many people you recruit and

the money those new recruits pay to join the company-not on the sales of products to consumers.

Most people think affiliate programs are pyramid schemes. However, all pyramid schemes cost at least

$1,000 or more. If not, it just isn’t worth it. And with wealthy affiliate

you don’t have to promote it to make money.

Many use it as a learning platform and build their affiliate website to earn passive income.

What’s Included Once A Member

  • There is an online Entrepreneur Certification course.

Where you learn different ways to market an online business to make commissions.

  • Also, there is an Affiliate Bootcamp course, where you learn how to promote a product,

which can be applied to any niche.

The affiliate bootcamp does show you how to create your business by

promoting wealthy affiliate through their program, but the lessons

can still be applied for any niche or business.

Most people choose Wealthy Affiliate because of the amount of training available.

  • When you sign up you get one free website and hosting included.
  • There is affiliate links that you can use with the free membership.
  • Many banners to use when building your own affiliate website.
  • You are able to create your own business email once you have a domain name.
  • Training for keyword research if paid member
  • Training for all social media platforms, such as facebook, instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, etc.
  • live chat
  • 24/7 support from community
  • link trackers
  • Templates for writing
  • training for email marketing, website building, SEO, Keyword research,
  • and training to promote other programs and products.

No Pyramid-Like Payment Structure

You do not need to recruit members that will then have to recruit members and

so forth for you to make money.

It’s an affiliate program-you make a sale, you get paid-that’s how it works.

Do You Want to try Wealthy Affiliate?

If you want to learn how to start an affiliate marketing business then yes;

Wealthy Affiliate is the best choice. And very affordable. Premium member for first month is $19 and

then after that the premium membership is $49 per month. And best part is no up sells.

So is this program a Pyramid Scheme?

No-it’s simply a training course which offers an affiliate program just like

many other affiliate companies.

Pyramid schemes are often illegal and they usually do not last long before they fall apart.

Wealthy Affiliate launched in 2005, created by Kyle and Carson.

They now have over one million members.  Launched in 2005, so they have been around for 15 years

without any issues or regulatory crackdown.

The company has taught many people like me and you to become successful entrepreneurs.

Benefits with Wealthy Affiliate

  1. They teach you how to build your business online.

If you do not have any idea about what business to market online, I would advise

doing something you are passionate about.

2.  Affiliate marketing involves selling other people’s products for a commission, it gives you a lot of flexibility.

These products can range from the normal ones you see on Amazon every day to many others.

For example, here’s some of the most profitable niches:

  • Beauty, Health and Wellness, fitness
  • Hobbies, Outdoor Survival, Pets
  • Gadgets, Self-Improvement
  • Personal Finance, loans, etc.
  • Nike is a great affiliate program for fitness 20% commissions

Many people buy nike because of the trusted band and popularity.

3. Wealthy Affiliate teaches how to build a website from scratch with step by step videos.

This allows you to have your own business and not just some campaign online that needs updating.

  • Starter membership you get one website for free, hosting included.
  • Premium membership: 10 websites- any type
  • If you are a starter member or premium member before March 16th 2020,

you are grandfathered into the old hosting structure (build 25 websites and 25 on your own domain).

4. One of the best affiliate bootcamp trainings out on the internet.

5. Wealthy Affiliate has live webinars every Friday.

6. Wealthy Affiliate has some of the most successful affiliate marketers around the world.

7. There is training from beginner level to advanced training.

Learn how to turn your visitors on your website into customers for sales.

Everything you need to learn about online marketing is all on one platform.

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We are here to help you learn. Check the link below, free sign up.


Ali is currently a member of the worlds largest internet marketing and mentoring program. As an online marketer she has a passion for helping others achieve success in their life and their business by leveraging the power of the internet. To find out more about how you can be earning your income online today contact me personally.

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