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What Is Viral Marketing-Viral Marketing Tips And Techniques

What Is Viral Marketing-Viral Marketing Tips And Techniques

What Is Viral Marketing?

One of the best free methods for advertising through the internet, is using viral marketing. Viral marketing and viral advertising refer to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to increase the awareness of videos, blogs, articles, etc.

The objective in viral marketing is to take a product, such as a sales product, and have it spread for you, through other people.

When using viral marketing method to share your content to more people, you need to have the video, or blog linked to a button that shares the video, or blog for you. You accomplish this through certain websites that provide widgets that enable your videos and blogs to be spread through Facebook, Twitter, and other people’s blogs. You have to set up the link below the video, or blog, and people will share it.

One important rule with viral marketing, is to have good content, and useful information for people. Also, you can make a funny video and included your website in the video. If you people like your video, people will again share it, simply because it is funny.

The great aspect about viral marketing is that you do not need a million views in order to get awareness. You only need about a thousand views, because if people like the video, or blog others will distribute it through emails, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, YouTube, digg, MySpace, flickr, etc.

Another, great aspect about viral marketing is that it does not cost anything to get awareness about your information.

Viral Marketing Tips

Some tips for viral marketing are to make the blog–or video-exciting, or original. Be certain that when you provide content to make it concise-or to the point. When making a headline, be certain to deliver on your promise. In other words, do not scam people, provide useful information, and marketing tips.

In order to drive traffic when using viral marketing, have tags that are keyword rich and eye catching. The keywords need to be something that grabs people’s attention.

In other words, think about what you would type into Google to view your content. Another tip to use, is to include more videos in blogs and leverage yourself through social networks.

Also, use your email list to get more views, and remember if people like the information, they will forward the email to someone else.

Two good tips are to provide how to videos–meaning show and explain to people how to do something on the internet-and, do not be afraid to ask for help from people. If someone likes what you have done they will share it–all you have to do is ask.

In order to see how effective viral marketing can be, I advice you to, take this article and share it on Facebook, twitter, MySpace, digg, flickr, etc.

Another topic that can help to share your blog or information, is by using Squidoo.

What Is Squidoo?

Squidoo is a web site that allows people to create pages called lenses, for topics that hold an interest to others. Squidoo can be used the same way as a blog post, but with additional features to earn money.

The users, who create the pages called lenses, are called “lensmasters.” The site can be used to promote anything–as long as a person does not spam, by being too promotional. Using squidoo and creating lenses is another marketing technique.

The lenses are much similar to blog posts, but the posts are about one single subject. The site allows people to earn revenue from referral links to sites, such as Amazon and eBay. Squidoo is set up through a person’s paypal account.

Many online marketers use Squidoo to advertise affiliate links to earn money.
There are features that allow people to post photos, videos, Amazon products, links from other websites, and news feeds.

If you are experienced in how to post blogs, you can set up Squidoo as an additional source of income. If you know how to post a blog with valuable content, you can easily post something valuable by posting a lens, and earn a substantial income.

You can even invite people to visit your page (lens post) to get more brand awareness about your business. Also, if you know how to make the title and your content of your post keyword rich, you can rank high with Google.

Using Squidoo can be very beneficial for a persons business, and it can be very helpful to charities, as well. To read more about the benefits when using squidoo, click here.

To become a more experienced about how to earn an income online today with the benefits of Squidoo, and to work with other experienced marketers around the world, check out my number one recommendation.



Ali is currently a member of the worlds largest internet marketing and mentoring program. As an online marketer she has a passion for helping others achieve success in their life and their business by leveraging the power of the internet. To find out more about how you can be earning your income online today contact me personally.

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