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Jaaxy Review Keyword Tool-Get Free Traffic

Jaaxy Review Keyword Tool-Get Free Traffic

Jaaxy Review Keyword Tool To Get Free Traffic

Every website owner and affiliate marketer requires targeted traffic and free traffic is always best. With this Jaaxy review, you will learn all the ways to get free traffic or organic traffic. Jaaxy is a keyword tool that is the perfect solution for targeted traffic so you can make more sales.

Jaaxy gets its data directly from Google so you can connect with more people in search engines for more traffic. Jaaxy is the most advanced keyword tool for many reasons.

  • There is no software to download
  • Super easy to use
  • Gives accurate results in real time
  • Saves lots of time

If you are a blogger or an affiliate marketer, think about how powerful it is when you are able to create content that is exactly what your audience is looking for. This Jaaxy review keyword tool will show you everything.

I will cover Jaaxy pricing and even connect you with the best training platform that not only trains you on how to use jaaxy, but integrates it into the training free. Also, you can try Jaaxy for yourself for free right from this article further down below once I explain everything.

Even if you are an expert when using google, you still might not know the power of keywords. Whenever you use google for a search, you are typing in keywords to find your answer to your problem. Google is so smart that it is able to predict what you are going to type based on what everyone else has typed into the google search before you.

The best keyword research tool allows you to find out which keywords are being searched for the most, which have the least competition, how our competition is using these keywords, takes all the data from the millions of search queries and puts all into one platform. This way you can find out everything about your targeted audience.

In order to fully understand how to use Jaaxy, be sure to read everything here so you can be ahead of everyone else and fully know how to rank within google.

The Importance of Keyword Research

 This is a very detailed topic and I could go on forever. I will cover the most important parts so you can have the full benefit and then move on.

In order for your website or blog to have long-term success, organic search traffic is going to have to account for a great deal of your traffic. There is no better way to get extremely targeted visitors to your website for free than with an organic search.

To get organic search traffic you will need to rank within Google and other search engines. If you want to rank well within Google you need to target low competition keywords. These keywords are easy to rank with and will lead to more traffic, as a result more sales.

Jaaxy solves this problem and helps you to find low competition keywords that will give you tons of traffic!

What Can I Use Jaaxy For?

Jaaxy is extremely diverse and is used for many things. The following tells you what Jaaxy is used for.

  • Keyword Research
  • Find Affiliate programs (Yes you can search for affiliate programs. Very cool!)
  • Niche Research
  • Competition on Leading Websites
  • Site Rank for keywords
  • Shows Available Domains.

See Jaaxy helps with more than just keyword research, but the keyword research advantage is Jaaxy’s main strong suit. Next, I will cover how to use Jaaxy Keyword Research and I will tell you want to look for.

How Jaaxy Keyword Tool Works

 In this section of the Jaaxy review, I will be showing you exactly how the research tool works. I will cover what results you’re shown and what you’re looking for in keywords. Im not going to cover everything Jaaxy does, other than the keyword section and how to view if your website ranks within google. The site rank feature is really awesome, be sure to read about this below.

What Results Will Jaaxy Show

  1. Keyword: This section will show you the keyword you searched plus related and suggested keywords. The keyword you search will always appear on top with related keywords following below it.
  2. Monthly Searches: This section shows the estimated global searches for that keyword each month. Usually the higher the searches the more estimated traffic and higher the competition.
  3. Estimated Traffic: This section shows you the estimated amount of traffic per month based on ranking on the 1st page of search engines.
  4. QSR: Or Quoted Search Results shows how many competing pages target those exact keywords on the internet. The QSR is the most important result.
  5. KQI: Or Keyword Quality Indicator shows a light that is green, yellow, or red. Green meaning Great, Yellow meaning Okay, Red meaning bad. This basically is a color indicator of the QSR.
  6. SEO Power: Is a score assigned to each keyword based on traffic, QSR, and Competition. Score is 1-100 the higher the better.
  7. Domain Search: By clicking on domain search for each keyword you will see a list of available domains with the keyword phrase in it.

Make sure your keywords make sense.

Make sure all words are spelled correctly.

Monthly Searches: Of course, the higher the monthly searches the more traffic to your website, but usually higher searches means more competition which makes it harder to rank well. Any keyword that has more than <10 monthly searches will work great!

Estimated Traffic: Same rules apply as monthly searches. The higher the traffic usually means more competition. As long as it reads more than 10 you’re all set.

QSR: In my opinion, is the most important status Jaaxy gives you especially if you run a new website. You must face that search engines will not just rank you well if you’re a new website. You must prove that you have valuable content and know what you’re doing.

Therefore, everyone should look for low competition keywords. Low competition keywords will be the easiest to rank highly. Look for a QSR of at least a 100. The lower the number the better, but anything under 200 is considered pretty good.

KQI: is a reflection of the QSR, but I usually look for Green and Yellow. I would always stay away from Red. But if you focus on QSR you won’t have to worry about KQI.

SEO Power: Like I Mentioned above it’s a combination of traffic, QSR and Competition. If a keyword has a great QSR than the SEO power score will reflect it. I usually look for an SEO Power Score of 75 or more.

Here is a cheat Sheet To Make it Easier!

Searches Estimated Traffic: More than 10

QSR: Lower than 200 or 100

KQI: Green or Yellow

SEO Power: More than 75

Track How Well Your Posts & Site are Doing with Site Rank!

Last but not least let’s talk about the Site Rank feature. The site rank feature is spectacular for tracking how well all this keyword research is paying off. You search by entering both your keyword and domain and Jaaxy calculates where your post is ranking on google, Yahoo, and Bing.

As you can see in this photo above, I rank with my free website on the first page of google, position number 4.

Here I rank position number 2 on first page of google with different keywords also, with my free website.

Here I rank position number 6 on first page of google with my paid website, which is only $13 a year for those who are members of the training platform mentioned.

You also have the ability to track your rankings daily, twice a week, weekly, twice a month and monthly.

Jaaxy Memberships

Best Choice Jaaxy Lite

Jaaxy Lite you get Unlimited keyword searches with a return of 20 results per search. You can have up to 25 save keyword lists, so you can save your work of the top keyword choices, perform 100 site Rank Scans, and the alphabet soup feature will return 10 results per letter. You have manual QSR, manual domain availability, Affiliate program search, and you sort your keyword data by clicking at the top of a column.

Jaaxy Lite (Get The Best For Your Money)

 Jaaxy Lite is in my opinion is the best. Why? Because Jaaxy comes Free and fully integrated into the training platform that shows you exactly how to maximize your success online! Try Jaaxy for free down below. 

 I’m currently a member of this training community and It has given me nothing, but positive results. It is the best training and mentoring community you will find for building your own successful online business. It is the home for all affiliate marketers. Upon sign up you get two free websites so you can start building your business online.

There is a free sign up so you can get started with no money down. That’s right! No credit card. I highly encourage you to start your free account and give it a go. Once you start your free account, I will be by your side and provide one on one support. To read about my number one recommendation click here!

Ali Nowak is an online marketing coach and mentor for what is named “Arguably the World’s Largest Internet Marketing University” available on the internet to–date! Follow me on Youtube, Twitter, Instagram

Jaaxy Price once You Join Training platform mentioned above. As You can see, the Jaaxy Lite is free for those who are members.

Jaaxy By Itself Without The Training Platform I Mentioned

Jaaxy has 3 different levels of membership. A free Version, Pro Version, & Enterprise Version. My number one recommendation in order to get Jaaxy for free and a training platform to help you learn affiliate marketing is discussed further down.

Try Jaaxy here for free.

The Free Version is great and is perfect for anyone looking to try it out. The free membership has a limit of 30 searches, but this will give you plently of time to test out the program and see if it’s something you want to take advantage of.

The Pro Version is $19 per month or $199 a year. The pro version gives you unlimited searches, access to all the information that Jaxxy can compile for a given keyword. The main difference between the Free version is it will show all suggested/related keywords and gives you information faster!

The Enterprise Version is $49 a month or $499 a year. Once again, this membership will give you unlimited monthly searches and automatically show you the QSR of every keyword. The big difference between Pro is more related keywords, QSR is shown automatically, and results are instant!


Ali is currently a member of the worlds largest internet marketing and mentoring program. As an online marketer she has a passion for helping others achieve success in their life and their business by leveraging the power of the internet. To find out more about how you can be earning your income online today contact me personally.

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